About us
Our focus is the development and improvement of your English communication. We take pride in our top-notch curriculum, modern online facilities and individual approach.

Your Time, Your Place, Your Comfort
Study online when you want, where you want and from whatever device you prefer to use. Download a VoIP Application onto your laptop, tablet or Smartphone. North and South American students can use Skype or Messenger. Students in South Korea can also use KakaoTalk. Chinese and Russian students often like to use Zoom. Contact OLE Academy and we can make arrangements for the best online connection for you.

Certified Teachers
- Native English speakers.
- Strong academic and business backgrounds.
- Patient, caring and culturally aware.
- All teachers have more than 10 years experience teaching English to 2nd language learners.

Conversation and Study with the Best Resources Available Online
Cambridge, Oxford, Pearson, Young Learners textbooks and reading material, Business English, ( Sales & Marketing, HR, Finance, Presentations, & Job Interviews) English for Medicine, Audio files for Class and Self-Study, Grammar textbooks and exercises, Writing corrections and editing, Preparatory lessons for entrance exams, Assessment exams (ex: Toefl, Ielts, Toeic) and more.